Korea Productivity Association


[KPA 공지]Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC 2010)

Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC 2010)

Taipei, Taiwan, July 21-23, 2010

First announcement and Call for Papers

The Asia-pacific Productivity Conference 2010 will be held on July 21-23, 2010, in Taipei, Taiwan. This is the seventh international conference on efficiency and productivity growth in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference is organized and sponsored jointly by the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (IEAS) and several well-known universities in Taiwan.

The conference will consist of both invited and contributed paper sessions. We welcome theoretical and empirical papers on productivity, production theory and efficiency measurement in the economics, management science, public administration, and related fields. Papers addressing efficiency and productivity growth in the Asia-Pacific region are especially welcome. The previous conferences have spawned several conference volumes and special issues of international journals. We will also pursue such publication outlets after this conference.

Those wishing to contribute a paper are invited to submit an informative long abstract (not exceeding two pages) as soon as possible but not later than March 1, 2010, via the conference website www.APPC2010.org.tw or to the conference coordinator, Dr. Tsu-tan Fu APPC2010@econ.sinica.edu.tw . The conference program will consist of presentations selected from the submitted abstracts. Limited financial support may be available for PhD students and junior researchers to coving the registration fee and lodging costs. Those applying for financial aid must submit their completed manuscripts by May 1, 2010.

Information on hotel and registration material will be available in March to anyone who requests this information. The registration fee for participants is US$100. Apart from the conference presentation, the social program consists of a reception in the evening of the 1st day, a conference dinner banquet on the last day, and an optional one-day free city tour on July 24. For more details and updated information, please view the conference website www.APPC2010.org.tw (under construction) or contact the conference coordinators.

Please address all correspondence via general e-mail address APPC2010@econ.sinica.edu.tw to the Conference Coordinators:

Dr. Tsu-Tan Fu (IEAS, Taipei, Taiwan)
Dr. Ching-Cheng Chang (IEAS, Taipei, Taiwan)
Professor Hung-Jen Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)