Korea Productivity Association


pISSN: 1225-3553

생산성논집, Vol.34 no.4 (2020)

DOI : 10.15843/kpapr.34.4.2020.12.113

노동자의 숙련 형성 참여에 따른 임금효과와 기업 및 노동조합 역할의 관계


(한양대학교 사회학과 박사과정)


(한양대학교 사회학과 교수)

This study is intended to discuss organizational and institutional factors affecting the individual worker’s skill formation by analyzing how the wage effect of the work’s participation in skill formation draws a difference based on firms’ skill formation investment and union participation. To that end, the study is designed to implement a multi-level analysis of firms and their workers based of the Human Capital Corporate Panel(HCCP) survey data from the KRIVET. For the purpose of multi-level analysis, the survey data for firms and individuals in the 7th year of the HCCP are merged and analyzed. The analysis shows that the worker’s skill formation affects wage increases, but if the interaction with the tenure is controlled, independent influence is not significant. In addition, the investment of firm in the skill formation directly affects wage increases, but the moderating effect on the participation of worker’s skill formation is limited when the tenure is controlled. In view of this, it appears that skilled formation, combined with the effect of tenure, leads to a rise in wages, with the main effect being derived from tenure. In the case of the union's participation in the skill formation, it is understood that the more active the union's participation, the higher the wages of the individual worker. However, it has been found that the participation of labor unions does not control the wage effect of worker's participation in the skill formation. Given that the main analysis of the study is workers belonging to manufacturing companies and regular workers, the findings suggest that the skill formation through the internal labor market is at its limit. Accordingly, the study suggests that the manufacturing industry's internal labor market should seek ways to strengthen its character as a skilled formative

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